Részletek az elkészült Interaktív kiállítás látványairól

MORE THAN 1000 m2



Az interaktív kiállítás projekthez kapcsolódó mobil aplikáció látványterve

The Ópusztaszer National Historical Memorial Park invited our company to design and build more than 1000m2 of attractions in 6 exclusive exhibition spaces, increasing the touristic potential of Ópusztaszer in the winter months regardless of the weather.

The Rotunda, home to the Feszty Panorama, has been expanded with four science-related exhibitions, plus two new buildings, the Visitors’ Centre and the Cultural Heritage Site, with exciting programs and exhibitions.

In order to achieve the best possible results, we have included the latest multimedia and information tools. We have also developed visitor management software, created descriptive guides to exhibitions, 3D park maps and E-guestbooks, and information relating to certain exhibitions has been made available in a format usable by visually impaired visitors.

During the design and implementation of the interactive exhibition, we strove for the highest qualities of professionalism and experience, enabling visitors to acquire new knowledge in interesting and innovative ways. With the aid of interactive tools and multimedia applications in the exhibition rooms, visitors can experience living history dressed up as the commander of a border castle or standing next to the novelist Géza Gárdonyi. In the 2016 Compass Awards for the Best Tourism Campaigns, we were awarded 2nd place for this work in the Event Marketing category.




The restoration of the monastery of Szer, the preservation of its cultural heritage and making the site well known to the wider public were the dream of the National Historical Memorial Park of Ópusztaszer for many years – and our creative agency helped in its realization. The house with a herb garden was built with a herb processing and drying section, a greenhouse and a souvenir shop. Our creative team played its part in every aspect of the project:

We loved the whole project, as we contributed to the preservation, creation and transfer of Hungarian cultural values. Thanks to our creative, innovative and interactive marketing solutions, we have contributed to the visitor experience and to the overall increase in the number of visitors to the Park. By gaining an insight into the traditions and possible methods of herb cultivation and processing, visitors can also use their newly-acquired knowledge in their own homes.